Kyveli’s Residence – Summer 2021

The charming Kyveli’s Residence, built in 1870, is a rare example of Mediterranean bourgeois architecture.
The warm welcome awaiting our visitors is a wonderful opening to the creative life of a historic dramatic actress and a window of discovery to the remarkable achievements of 20th century theater for European cultural life. Photos and portraits, costumes and love letters, sundry memorabilia from the dressing room of the strikingly beautiful 16-year old theatrical prodigy who sweeps the loving admiration of the crowds packing the municipal ‘Apollo’ theater.
On the terrace, under the starlit sky shining over the busy commercial port, visitors will enjoy the 20-minute video: “The Struggle For Liberty From Inside Our Dressing Armour”, and in the exhibition inside the museum they will share the pride of the historic figures, military as well as artistic, who inaugurated the fight for freedom in 1821, exactly two hundred years ago.

Visiting hours: Monday – Sunday 10:00 – 14:00 & 20:00 – 23:00 / Closed on Wednesdays
Entrance fee: 5 € / free entrance for children under 10 years old
Address: Leonidou 4, Hermoupolis
Tel: 22810 85730 (available only during visiting hours)
Facebook: Οικία Κυβέλη Σύρος / Kyveli’s Residence