Kyveli Institute – Syros

Hermoupolis of Syros was chosen as the seat of the “Kyveli Institute” because it was there that Kyveli aged 16 appeared for the first time alongside her husband Mitsos Myrat at the theatre “Apollon” in 1904 with the troupe of Konstantinos Christomanos. The marble built capital of the Aegean, a bourgeois town of the 19th century, reflected the spirit and culture of Europe and constituted a link for the entire greek community worldwide. The theatre “Apollon”, which opened in 1864, was modelled on the Italian Opera Houses. New works were written and played and foreign authors were translated and presented in Greece for the first time in Hermoupolis. It is the continuation of this cultural creative activity that the Institute chooses to support.

It is for this reason therefore that the Institute cooperates with local bodies. The Institute participates regularly in “Hermoupolia” an annual artistic and cultural summer event organised by the “Cultural Centre of the Municipality of Syros-Hermoupolis” and collaborates with the historic municipal theatre “Apollon”, a privileged space for the organisation of events and the display of exhibits from the Institute’s collection. The Institute collaborates with the “Photography Circle” and its branch on Syros for the organisation and enrichment of its photo gallery, and co-organises seminars and exhibitions on the history of modern Greek theatre. For the task of managing the valuable cultural data within the Institute’s archive and the promotion of the section “Panorama of the 20th century”, the Institute is partnered with the “Department of Product and Systems Design Engineering of the University of the Aegean”.